Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)

Madelyn Edlin

EFI is a capacity-building and certification nonprofit that works to improve the lives of farmworkers and drive business performance through collaboration, training, and capacity-building.

Services Contact Name: Madelyn Edlin
Services Contact Email: medlin@equitablefood.org
Service Description Charter Principles
Collaborative Skills for Safer Workplaces Training on labor management collaboration for continuous improvement on occupational health and safety issues. This is also available as a Train the Trainer Course. Occupational Safety & Health
Symetrical Communication as a Competitive Advantage Training on creating the systems and culture where workers and management bring their expertise to identifying and solving issues. This is also available as a Train the Trainer Course. Communication and Worker Protections
Responsible Recruitment Scorecard Consulting Consulting and support for completing, learning from, and improving recruitment leveraging the Responsible Recruitment Scorecard. Ethical Recruitment
Worker-Informed Management Systems Training on how to engage the workforce on management systems development, implementation, and iteration. Management Systems and Continuous Improvement
Discipline Done Right Consulting on the development and communication of fair multi-level disciplinary processes. Supervisor training on the ethical implementation of disciplinary management systems. Employment is Freely Chosen
Supervisors as Champions Supervisor-focussed training on how to mitigate, identify, and respond to discrimmination, abuse and harassment at work. Humane Treatment and Non-Harassment; Non-Discrimination