Fairtrade America

Commercial Partnerships

Fairtrade America works to rebalance trade, making it a system rooted in partnership and mutual respect rather than exploitation. It’s about businesses, shoppers, farmers and workers all partnering so we can all experience the benefits of trade. Fairtrade America is the U.S. branch of Fairtrade International, the original and global leader in fair trade certification with more than 30 years of experience working for fair trading practices in more than 30 countries across the globe. A non-profit 501(c)3 organization, Fairtrade America is part of the world’s largest and most recognized fair trade system—part of a global movement for change.

Services Contact Name: Commercial Partnerships
Services Contact Email: questions@fairtradeamerica.org
Service Description Charter Principles
Fairtrade Certification Producers, traders, importers, exporters, and manufacturers are audited for compliance with the Fairtrade Standards by independent and ISO 17065-accredited auditor FLOCERT. Certification by Fairtrade International means your business has met rigorous social, environmental and economic standards designed to tackle poverty and treat producers and workers fairly. Certification - All Encompassing