Antonio Restrepo

GLOBALG.A.P. is a brand of smart farm assurance solutions developed by FoodPLUS GmbH in Cologne, Germany, with cooperation from producers, retailers, and other stakeholders from across the food industry. These solutions include a range of standards for safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices. The most widely used GLOBALG.A.P. standard is Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA), applicable for fruit and vegetables, aquaculture, floriculture, livestock, and more. This standard also forms the basis for the GGN label: The consumer label for certified, responsible farming and transparency.

The GLOBALG.A.P. brand began its journey as EUREPGAP in 1997. Two decades later, over 200,000 producers are under GLOBALG.A.P. certification in 134 countries. Nearly 150 team members around the world are dedicated to the mission of spreading responsible farming practices to ensure safe food for future generations.

Services Contact Name: Antonio Restrepo
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Service Description Charter Principles
GLOBALG.A.P. IFA (Integrated Farm Assurance) Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) is GLOBALG.A.P.’s flagship standard. Developed in consultation with stakeholders across the entire global supply chain, it takes a holistic approach to responsible farming and is audited annually by accredited, independent third-party certification bodies (CBs). The IFA standard includes three scopes containing multiple product categories that cover agriculture, floriculture, and aquaculture. The certification status of all producers is visible in the GLOBALG.A.P. IT systems for transparency in the supply chain. IFA is tried, tested, and trusted around the world with over 200,000 producers under certification worldwide. The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA standard takes a holistic approach that covers responsible farming practices through the following key topics: Food safety Environmental sustainability and biodiversity Workers’ health, safety, and welfare Animal health and welfare Legal, management, and traceability Production processes Integrated crop management (ICM) and integrated pest control (IPC) Quality management system (QMS) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) For producers, IFA helps to improve farm management, raise the efficiency of farm operations, protect environmental resources, and enable access to international markets through compliance with a globally recognized standard. For supply chain stakeholders, sourcing from IFA certified production helps to ensure food safety, mitigate reputational risks, protect product integrity, demonstrate commitment to responsible farming practices, and enable reliable and trusted supply that addresses all major consumer demands. Certification - All Encompassing
GRASP (GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practices) add-on In addition to the Workers' Health, Safety and Welfare requirement (encompassing 5 main topics: health & safety training, hazards & first aid, personal protective equipment, workers' welfare, and hygiene ) that's included in IFA, GLOBALG.A.P. also offers GRASP (GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice) add-on. It is a voluntary, farm-level social/labor management tool for global supply chains, to be used in combination with Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA). GRASP covers the main topics of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s core labor conventions How GRASP works. Producers can assess, improve, and demonstrate their responsible social practices through a simple but robust evaluation checklist of 4 main topics: Workers’ voice, human and labor rights information, human and labor rights indicators, and child and young workers protection. The assessment is carried out simultaneously with an IFA audit in order to minimize the audit burden (time and costs) for producers. Evidence methods are determined by the (World Bank) country risk classification in order to balance efficiency and flexibility. Evaluation is complemented by national interpretation guidelines of local legislation to help assessors and producers to understand local compliance systems. Certification - All Encompassing