The Sustainability Consortium (TSC)

Carolyn Baltz
1 480 965 1770

The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) is a global organization transforming the consumer goods industry to deliver more sustainable consumer products. We work to enable a world where people can lead fulfilled lives in a way that decouples their impacts on people and the planet. Our members and partners include manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, service providers, NGOs, civil society organizations, governmental agencies and academics. TSC convenes our diverse stakeholders to work collaboratively to build science-based decision tools and solutions that address sustainability issues that are materially important throughout a product’s supply chain and lifecycle. TSC also offers a portfolio of services to help drive effective improvement and implementation.

Services Contact Name: Carolyn Baltz
Services Contact Email:
Service Description Charter Principles
TSC Services TSC’s services offer science-based and adaptable solutions to help your company accelerate its sustainability efforts. Our team of sustainability experts have deep expertise in TSC’s content and can help you navigate the rich resources we have generated to tailor these insights and tools to your needs. Our services cover the largest scope of consumer goods supply chains in the world. Let us help you create a plan to use our services to take action and reach the next stage in your sustainability journey. TSC Supply Chain Services: - Certification Navigator - Hotspot Priority Analysis - Commodity Risk Mapping - Supply Chain Insight Plus - THESIS Scorecard+ Legal Compliance; Occupational Safety & Health; Wages & Benefits; Working Hours; Communication and Worker Protections; Ethical Recruitment; Management Systems and Continuous Improvement; Employment is Freely Chosen; Freedom of Association; Humane Treatment and Non-Harassment; Non-Discrimination; Protection of Children and Young Workers
TSC THESIS THESIS, created and developed by TSC, is a performance assessment system that guides retailers and suppliers to benchmark, quantify, and take action on critical sustainability issues within their consumer product supply chains. Occupational Safety & Health; Protection of Children and Young Workers