About ECIP
Who is participating in ECIP?
A group of industry stakeholders came together to design the program, and the buyers in that group (Costco, Kroger, McDonald’s, Walmart, Target and Sam’s Club) are inviting their fresh produce and floral suppliers to ECIP. Those suppliers in turn are inviting their growers to the program and to use ECIP LAB.
What is ECIP?
The Ethical Charter Implementation Program was formed through a collaboration of key industry members to create alignment with the Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices.
How do I get involved with ECIP?
- Growers will be invited by their suppliers into ECIP LAB. They receive an email from ECIP LAB to set up an account on the platform. If the grower holds one of the 17 benchmarked certifications, they’ll receive free access and a gold engagement star.
- Suppliers receive information from buyers about participating in ECIP. Soon after they receive an invitation to create an account with ECIP LAB.
- Buyers can inquire about joining ECIP by contacting Equitable Food Initiative.
What is the Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices?
The Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices is a framework developed by the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) to provide “a common baseline for accountability and transparency, that can be widely understood, accepted, and applied across the global produce and floral supply chains.”
What is the difference between ECIP and ECIP LAB?
ECIP refers to the entire program, the Ethical Charter Implementation Program, which is overseen by a multistakeholder industry group. The program includes oversight, ECIP LAB and a Marketplace for supportive services. ECIP LAB is the interactive online platform that creates engagement with and alignment to the principles of the Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices. In addition to providing a self-assessment of management systems, the platform provides information, resources and best practices.
What data does ECIP LAB collect and how is it shared?
What does it cost to use ECIP LAB?
To access ECIP LAB, each grower, supplier and buyer pays an annual subscription fee.
Growers pay $200 per year. If they are certified to an approved certification program, their subscription fee is waived for as long as their certificate is valid.
Suppliers’ fees are based on annual sales:
- Less than $10M: $1,800 per year
- $10-$50M: $3,600 per year
- $50-$250M: $6,000 per year
- $250-$999M: $7,200 per year
- More than $999M: $9,000 per year
- Less than $20B: $35,000 the first year, then $25,000 each subsequent year
- $20-$50B: $50,000 the first year, then $25,000 each subsequent year
- $50-$100B: $75,000 the first year, then $25,000 each subsequent year
- More than $100B: $100,000 the first year, then $25,000 each subsequent year
What is an engagement profile and why is it important?
An engagement profile is created for each growing operation that is registered within ECIP LAB. Progress is tracked within LAB based on how users from the operation access the system, engage with resources within ECIP, and reevaluate their rank for each management system.
Who will have access to or see my data?
Only the users connected under a company profile will see the complete data entered into ECIP LAB, including notes and assessment rankings. The engagement profile will be shared with suppliers.
Where can I get technical support for the ECIP LAB?
Technical support is accessed by emailing support@ethicalcharterprogram.
Questions from Growers
Who from my farming operation should access ECIP LAB?
ECIP LAB is meant to assess and strengthen management systems at each farming operation. Each grower will want to assign as users in ECIP LAB, personnel who most directly implement and oversee labor management systems at field level and who have the ability to drive continuous improvement.
Can I change my answers after my inital self-assessment? Will it change my engagement profile?
How does the self-assessment part of ECIP LAB work?

How can I increase my engagement profile?
The ECIP LAB rewards users for engagement and continuous improvement over time. To positively impact your engagement profile, users from your operation should log into ECIP LAB regularly, access information and resource provided, use supportive services from the ECIP Marketplace, add notes to the changing status of your management systems, and engage in worker surveys.
Why are worker surveys important and why do they boost an engagement profile?
Worker surveys provide valuable data on whether or not management systems are working effectively. Worker surveys also provide input on areas that need further development or clarification. Because worker surveys gather an account directly from those that the Ethical Charter seeks to protect, an operation receives a positive boost to an engagement profile for implementing them.
How do I earn stars in my Engagement Profile?
- In the Learning Channel – growers can receive up to two stars for using tools available in the Learning Channel. Learn about the Ethical Charter principles, create notes for reference or other internal users, and set priorities for an action plan.
- In the Assessment Channel – growers who complete all assessment questions qualify for the Assessment Star.
- For the Worker Assessment Star – because workers provide valuable assessment of a management system’s effectiveness, this star is earned by completing an approved worker survey. Visit the Marketplace for organizations offering approved worker surveys.
- For the gold Certification Star – growers who hold a current certification with an ECIP-vetted certification program qualify for the Certification Star.
How do I get started with ECIP?
What management systems are assessed in ECIP LAB? Can I see a list of them before starting ECIP LAB?
Download the list of management systems that are assessed and how they relate to principles contained in the Ethical Charter on Responsible Labor Practices.
Questions from Suppliers
What is the suppliers role in ECIP?
Suppliers are invited and will receive information about ECIP from their buyer. Shortly after, they receive an email invitation into ECIP LAB. After creating an account and paying the annual fee, they will invite and connect with their growers in ECIP LAB. Watch a short video demo on how suppliers get started with ECIP LAB.
How do I get started with ECIP LAB?
Soon after receiving information from your buyer about ECIP, you will receive an invitation to create an account with ECIP LAB. Register to set up your account, pay for an annual subscription and begin inviting your growers to ECIP LAB (watch a short video on how to do this).
What if I don't receive an invite from a buyer?
Buyers are reaching out to suppliers in cohorts, with the first cohort receiving invitations in Fall 2023. If you are not invited to ECIP in the first cohort, you can get started on your own to begin to engage your growers by contacting support@ethicalcharter.org, or you can ask for an invitation from a participating buyer.