EFI is a capacity-building and certification nonprofit that works to improve the lives of farmworkers and drive business performance through collaboration, training, and capacity-building.
EFI is a capacity-building and certification nonprofit that works to improve the lives of farmworkers and drive business performance through collaboration, training, and capacity-building.
Service | Description | Charter Principles |
Collaborative Skills for Safer Workplaces | Training on labor management collaboration for continuous improvement on occupational health and safety issues. This is also available as a Train the Trainer Course. | Occupational Safety & Health |
Symetrical Communication as a Competitive Advantage | Training on creating the systems and culture where workers and management bring their expertise to identifying and solving issues. This is also available as a Train the Trainer Course. | Communication and Worker Protections |
Responsible Recruitment Scorecard Consulting | Consulting and support for completing, learning from, and improving recruitment leveraging the Responsible Recruitment Scorecard. | Ethical Recruitment |
Worker-Informed Management Systems | Training on how to engage the workforce on management systems development, implementation, and iteration. | Management Systems and Continuous Improvement |
Discipline Done Right | Consulting on the development and communication of fair multi-level disciplinary processes. Supervisor training on the ethical implementation of disciplinary management systems. | Employment is Freely Chosen |
Supervisors as Champions | Supervisor-focussed training on how to mitigate, identify, and respond to discrimmination, abuse and harassment at work. | Humane Treatment and Non-Harassment; Non-Discrimination |